When is Concrete Demolition Necessary?


The most important question when it comes to concrete demolition techniques is whether the circumstances demand demolition at all. Concrete elements are crafted to withstand tremendous pressures. Removing them can be even more of a challenge than putting them in place.

Concrete demolition methods, coordinated alongside concrete removal and replacement efforts, become necessary when there is:

·         Widespread cracking

·         Frost heave (i.e., when moisture seeps into the ground and freezes, pushing the concrete upward)

·         Planned improvement, like street and road modifications

Widespread Demolition Techniques

Demolition companies work under demanding conditions. Building demolition must often be conducted in the middle of a city block where traffic, pedestrians, and other structures become factors. That is why many demolition contractors have turned to various techniques that allow them to operate without the usual dust, vibration and noise associated with demolition:

1.       Hydrodemolition

Though it seems counterintuitive, using water to cut concrete has proven to be an efficient demolition technique. It can be administered through a variety of devices, including handheld “guns” and robotic demolition equipment.

There are limitations, however. Hydrodemolition isn’t really cost-effective for remote areas where water must be trucked in, usually at great expense. And in cities where water is readily available, there are usually local regulations regarding the disposal of water, particularly water carrying slurry. Before using hydrodemolition, consult a local environmental officer.

2.       Pressure Bursting

This demolition technique is accomplished by drilling holes in the concrete. These holes, when drilled deep enough, form cracks that can then be used to remove a portion of concrete. By applying expansive grout to the drilled holes and giving it a few hours, cracks can be created precisely where they’re needed in the concrete.

3.       Dismantling

This involves concrete cutting tools coupled with a crane to help remove the sawed concrete. This way, a demolition can be performed with very little noise, dust, or damage to surrounding structures. For this reason, A-Core favors dismantling methods, usually utilizing concrete saw cutting or robotic hammering.

Demolition Services Rely on More than Techniques

A reliable demolition expert not only brings an array of concrete demolition tools and methods. An expert also offers unparalleled experience, an ability to handle unforeseen circumstances with professionalism and a devotion to worksite safety.

With almost forty years of experience under our belt, A-Core understands the importance of workplace safety. We’ve also learned that having an adaptable set of tools, techniques and equipment allow us to respond to developments not accounted for in the initial planning of the demolition project.

These qualities have allowed us to tackle challenges in hostile environments and remote areas. We pride ourselves on being experts at handling construction and demolition challenges, enabling us to deliver high productivity while leaving a small environmental footprint, no matter the difficulties involved.

For Your Next Demolition Job, Contact A-Core for a Bid

Starting in 1974, A-Core’s safe and effective concrete demolition techniques have made us the concrete sawing company to turn to for any demolition job, no matter how simple or complex. Our adaptability, technology and dedicated staff allow us to core drill concrete better than any other contractor. We tackle any construction challenge, from highway renovation to cutting concrete walls. Contact us to request a bid today.